February's Photographer of the Month - Charmaine Harrison
‘What can you tell us about your entry into our ‘Weather Watch’ photography competition?’
Approaching Strom Over Strumble Head was an image I had planned to take for a few years. I love lighthouses and travel all over the country to photograph them. I stayed in Pembrokeshire for a week and visited that lighthouse a few times during that week until the conditions for the shot were just perfect. Minutes after the picture was taken the storm broke and hail and snow forced me to beat a hasty retreat back to the hotel I was staying.

‘How did you get into photography?’
I always took pictures of one sort or another. To start it was record shots of my children or of our holiday but as my kids left home I was at a loss of what to do with my free time. I took up photography more seriously in 2007 when I joined a local camera club. But really it was my love for the country that keeps me inspired to go out in all weathers to capture its amazing landscapes.

‘What do you enjoy about photography?’
Photography gives me a reason to explore the country I live in, get to know its people and its customs. Photography helps me to relax, switch off from my daily work, and bring things into perspective for me. Some people meditate. or spend their time in front of the computer or tv. I like to be out in the country taking pictures.

‘What are your plans for the future?’
In 2012 I was lucky to be awarded an A-FIAP and the C-PAGB certificates. Since then I have worked towards the accreditation of my first star in the BPE exhibitions. But while I am trying to receive more letters behind my name I am-all out to have fun doing my photography, exploring new areas within the Uk and maybe even travelling abroad.

‘What do you plan to do with your framing voucher?’
I have already spent the voucher and bought myself some Mounts and Backing Boards so that I can mount some of my images to hang in my newly decorated hallway.

More of my images can be seen at http://charmingphotography.weebly.com/