Kate Ferris - Photographer of the Month October '16
‘What can you tell us about your winning entry into our photography competition “My friend and neighbour.”?’
I recently moved house. It was a wrench, but even before I moved, this lady, Mary, Made me welcome. She and her husband made the move worthwhile and since they knew I took pictures, I thought I would take some of them to return the favour of their kindness. I converted this one to mono and toned the whole picture to soften the contrast. She loved it!

‘How did you get into photography?’
I got into photography from childhood. I was lucky to have an uncle who took photos at every opportunity. This was the 1950s and with his Leica, he took loads of me, familiarising me with the art from an early age. I then inherited a Box Brownie and I was off. Later, in Uxbridge, I was fortunate to attend photography classes at Brunel University and learn all about lighting, control of taking and developing and printing there. It was so enjoyable, I never stopped after that experience.
It is also a brilliant way to hide behind the camera instead of in front of it.
‘What do you enjoy about photography?’
I enjoy showing people the things I see as interesting. It is my conversation with the viewer. There is so much to see, even on my small Island with its small population. Life is never boring.

‘What are your future photography plans?’
I try to have a project to take me over the winter months, which can be long, dark and with wild weather. Sometimes this has been entering Salon competitions, sometimes it has been putting a book of photographs together, but this year? I think I will do my favourite thing, emulating a photographer, whose style is different to my own. I always need a challenge and this pushes me to do something different. I’m not always successful, but I always learn something. Learning something new keeps my brain active and my finger on the shutter. I still use Photoshop Elements 10 for my editing and am happy with that. I love combining images and take quite a lot with a view to combining them into a new image. Fun and rewarding.

‘What do you plan to do with your framing voucher?’
I wish I knew! I do want a print in my new home that I can live with and which keeps my interest. This might be one of my own or one from someone I really admire who sends me their work. I’m the world’s worst at choosing from my own work. I have my favourites, mainly unusual portraits, so we will see!

Take a look at some more of Kate’s fantastic work by CLICKING HERE!